Multi-Level Mathematical Training of University Students

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Dilbar Nailеvna Bikmuchametova
Alsy Raphaelevna Mindubaeva
Evgeniya Mihailovna Nurieva


An important role for the purposeful development of the motivational component of the formed competences among students of engineering and natural-science (geological) specialties is played by the demonstration of the application of mathematical methods of calculations in engineering and geology. At the same time, the solution of practice-oriented tasks is of great importance.It is necessary to teach the student to master the material not only at the knowledge level, but also at the level of mastery of mathematical methods and models, interpolation and extrapolation not only in mathematics, but also in solving professional and life problems.

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Author Biographies

Dilbar Nailеvna Bikmuchametova

Head of the Department of higher mathematics, Kazan national technology university, Kazan.

Alsy Raphaelevna Mindubaeva

Associate Professor of higher mathematics, Kazan national technology university, Kazan.

Evgeniya Mihailovna Nurieva

Senior lecturer of the Department of Mineralogy and lithology, Kazan federal university, Kazan.


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