Electronic libraries in the Computing Center of Russian Rcademy of Sciences – main developments

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Владимир Алексеевич Серебряков


The main projects that have been implemented in the Computing Center named A.A. Dorodnitsyna of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CC RAS) for the last 20 years, that is, since 1998, are analyzed. One of the first was the implementation of the pilot project “Integrated Information Resource System (ISIR) RAS”. The successful completion of this project allowed the development of work on the integration of heterogeneous scientific information resources into the general academic scientific information system. An important stage was the project of creating the Unified Scientific Information Space (ENIP) of the RAS. This project was based on the subsystem “Scientific Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, created at the CC of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center for Scientific Telecommunications (CNTK) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Considering the importance of building digital libraries, in 2006 the Russian Academy of Sciences adopted the target scientific program “Creating the Central Bank “Scientific Heritage of Russia”, in accordance with which the digital library was implemented. The created GeoMeta Portal is a standardized and decentralized spatial information management environment designed to access geodatabases, map products and associated metadata from various sources, facilitating the exchange of spatial information between organizations and its sharing via the Internet. Currently, the main line of work is the LibMeta digital personal semantic library. The main task of this system is to provide the user with a unified view for the possibility of automated extraction of information of interest to him on a particular subject area.

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Author Biography

Владимир Алексеевич Серебряков

Chief Researcher of the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D. Sc., professor, graduated from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Specialist in the field of algorithmic languages and information technology.


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