Effective application development within microservice architecture

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Анастасия Эдуардовна Порфильева
Рустем Фаритович Шайхутдинов
Гульшат Атласовна Нуриева
Марсель Рафаэлевич Сидиков
Михаил Михайлович Абрамский
Артур Иванович Карпов
Динар Ильдусович Раимов
Руслан Радикович Новиков


The paper presents the features of the using the microservice architecture in the development process. The advantages of this approach are illustrated in comparison with the traditional monolithic approach. The connection between the use of the microservice architecture and the ability of the team to work within agile development methodologies is shown.

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Author Biographies

Анастасия Эдуардовна Порфильева

Student of Higher School of ITIS KFU.

Рустем Фаритович Шайхутдинов

Student of Higher School of ITIS KFU.

Гульшат Атласовна Нуриева

Student of Higher School of ITIS KFU.

Марсель Рафаэлевич Сидиков

Head of Java Lab of ITIS KFU.

Михаил Михайлович Абрамский

Senior lecturer at Department of Software Engineering of Higher School of ITIS KFU.

Артур Иванович Карпов

Student of Higher School of ITIS KFU.

Динар Ильдусович Раимов

Student of Higher School of ITIS KFU.

Руслан Радикович Новиков

Student of Higher School of ITIS KFU.


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13. Michael Hofmann, Erin Schnabel and Katherine Stanley. Microservices Best Practices for Java / URL: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/sg248357.html
14. Simon Brown. Coding the Architecture. URL: http://www. codingthearchitecture.com/2013/09/03/what_is_agile_software_architecture.html
15. Agile Mnifesto. URL: http://agilemanifesto.org/
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17. Leanix. Why Netflix, Amazon, and Apple Care About Microservices. URL: https://blog.leanix.net/en/why-netflix-amazon-and-apple-care-about-microservices
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