Evaluation of interlocutors emotional state through sentiment analysis of messages for the anthropomorphic social agent

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Антон Анатольевич Алексеев
Влада Владимировна Кугуракова
Денис Сергеевич Иванов


In this paper, we study the process of evaluating the psychological portrait of a human for the purposes of enhancing the human-machine communication in the frame of the anthropomorphic social agent. We understand “psychological portrait” as the current emotional state of the interlocutor, which is evident by their way of talking and their choice of words. By correctly identifying human’s emotional state, the machine can issue an appropriate response. Our study further describes how the emotional state can be examined and how a proper response should be formed.

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Author Biographies

Антон Анатольевич Алексеев

Bachelor of Kazan Federal University.

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

Senior Lecturer of Higher School of Information Technology and Information Systems of Kazan Federal University, Head of Laboratory “Virtual and simulational technologies in biomedicine”.

Денис Сергеевич Иванов

Researcher of Laboratory “Virtual and simulational technologies in biomedicine” of Kazan Federal University.


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