Seasonal and Decadal Variability of Atmosphere Pressure in Arctic, its Statistical and Temporal Analysis

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The paper analyzes the statistical and temporal seasonal and decadal variability of the atmospheric pressure field in the Arctic region of Russia. Schemes for the frequency analysis of probability transitions for characteristics of stochastic-diffusion processes were used as the main research method. On the basis of the given series of 60 years long from 1948 to 2008, such parameters of diffusion processes as the mean (drift process) and variance (diffusion process) were calculated and their maps and time curves were constructed. The seasonal and long-term variability of calculated fields was studied as well as their dependencies on a discretization of the frequency intervals. These characteristics were analyzed and their geophysical interpretation was carried out. In particular, the known cycles of solar activity in 11 and 22 years were revealed. Numerical calculations were performed on the Lomonosov-2 supercomputer of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

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