Archeological objects of Bolgar X–XV as content for creation virtual historical reconstruction

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Азат Ринатович Хафизов
Вячеслав Сергеевич Баранов
Александр Сергеевич Сергеев
Влада Владимировна Кугуракова
Айрат Габитович Ситдиков


In this paper we decibel the general algorithm and classify the common steps of creating authentic historical and cultural reconstructions. Using «Bolgar XIV» as an example, we reviewed the main stages of reconstruction, including three-dimensional modeling of architecture, household items and citizens of ancient city. As a result, we made some valuable conclusions about the general track of creating virtual reconstructions and described technologies that can be used for it, such as procedural generation of terrain.

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Author Biographies

Азат Ринатович Хафизов

Supervisor of virtual reconstruction the "Great Bolgar XIV", researcher in the Laboratory "IT and non-destructive methods of investigation of cultural heritage". Sphere of interests: game and historical reconstruction development.

Вячеслав Сергеевич Баранов

Russian archaeologist, Ph.D., a specialist in medieval, the Golden Horde archeology. Scientific consultant of virtual reconstruction the "Great Bolgar XIV".

Александр Сергеевич Сергеев

Bachelor of Higher School ITIS, researcher in the Laboratory "IT and non-destructive methods of investigation of cultural heritage". Sphere of interests: morphological rules of connected objects placing for procedural generation in big virtual historical reconstructions, general procedural generation, game and level design.

Влада Владимировна Кугуракова

Senior Lecturer of Higher School of Information Technology and Information Systems, Head of Laboratory "IT and non-destructive methods of investigation of cultural heritage".

Айрат Габитович Ситдиков

Director of the Khalikov Institute of Archaeology, Doctor of Sciences in History. Research interests: Volga region medieval archaeology; archaeology of Kazan.


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