Published: 24.01.2019

Forms of representation of results of paradigmal analysis of programming languages

Лидия Васильевна Городняя
Abstract: The purpose of the article is the choice of presenting the results of a comparison of programming languages, convenient for assessing the expressive power of languages and the complexity of the implementation of programming systems. Forms of such a presentation should be adapted to substantiate practical criteria for program decomposition, which can be viewed as an approach to solving the problem of factorization of very sophisticated definitions of programming languages.
The relevance of choosing concise and quickly perceived forms is useful for working in the rapidly developing space of new problem-oriented programming languages. Along the way, you can show the distance in the conceptual complexity between programming and the development of programming systems.

Algorithm for linking translated articles using authorship statistics

Александр Сергеевич Козицын, Сергей Александрович Афонин, Андрей Александрович Зензинов
Abstract: During the last decades scientometric techniques have been used for research activity stimulation. Number of published articles and number of their citation counts are among the most important scientometric parameters. In an automated environment, when the publications metadata is gathered from various sources, correct linking of original papers with their translations into different languages is extremely important. In the paper we show that the known text similarity measures are inefficient in the context of article linkage problem. We propose a method for semi-automatic article linkage using statistical data on authors publication activities only. This approach may be used for linking articles without training for the language of translation. The method was evaluated on real-world collection of publications metadata of ISTINA information system.

About ontology of the addressee in mathematical subject domain

Александр Александрович Муромский, Наталия Павловна Тучкова
Abstract: The problem of representation of mathematical subject domains in digital libraries and usefulness of these resources for experts is discussed. The option of representation of mathematical subject domains on the Internet is given. As information model for unit of record article of the thesaurus is chosen. Implementation of the scheme is shown on the example of the partial differential equations. Approach to the organization of information space of the author is offered, using the thesaurus by the addressee. On the basis of descriptions of subject domains of individuals creation of ontology of scientific cross-disciplinary community is supposed what, according to authors, will allow not to lose new result or opening in science, to observe priorities of authors, to build in new knowledge the settled system of classical subject domains.

Electronic libraries in the Computing Center of Russian Rcademy of Sciences – main developments

Владимир Алексеевич Серебряков
Abstract: The main projects that have been implemented in the Computing Center named A.A. Dorodnitsyna of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CC RAS) for the last 20 years, that is, since 1998, are analyzed. One of the first was the implementation of the pilot project “Integrated Information Resource System (ISIR) RAS”. The successful completion of this project allowed the development of work on the integration of heterogeneous scientific information resources into the general academic scientific information system. An important stage was the project of creating the Unified Scientific Information Space (ENIP) of the RAS. This project was based on the subsystem “Scientific Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, created at the CC of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Center for Scientific Telecommunications (CNTK) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Considering the importance of building digital libraries, in 2006 the Russian Academy of Sciences adopted the target scientific program “Creating the Central Bank “Scientific Heritage of Russia”, in accordance with which the digital library was implemented. The created GeoMeta Portal is a standardized and decentralized spatial information management environment designed to access geodatabases, map products and associated metadata from various sources, facilitating the exchange of spatial information between organizations and its sharing via the Internet. Currently, the main line of work is the LibMeta digital personal semantic library. The main task of this system is to provide the user with a unified view for the possibility of automated extraction of information of interest to him on a particular subject area.

Information support of expert evaluation of applications in competitions of the federal target program

Светлана Михайловна Гарина, Татьяна Викторовна Модянова
Abstract: Peer review in the scientific and technical field has more than three hundred years of history and during this time its external forms has changed significantly. Computer technology has influenced the processes of the peer review organizing particularly strongly. The article describes the procedure for the peer review in tenders for funding under the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014–2020." The worked out specializing information systems and services using new technological tools for data retrieval and processing enable the reviewer evaluate the peer review’s object fully and thoroughly. Information support covers all aspects of the peer review organizing and the expert’s activities. The procedure for peer review organizing, established at the Directorate of Scientific Technical Programs, and its informational and analytical support ensure the functioning of an independent scientific and technical examination system and allow to organize peer review in large quantities, in a short time and with minimal costs.