Настоящий тематический выпуск журнала «Электронные библиотеки» включает выборочные материалы 2-й Международной конференции «Университетская библиотека в мировом информационном пространстве», которая состоялась 27–30 ноября 2017 г. в Научной библиотеке им. Н.И. Лобачевского в рамках Года Лобачевского, объявленного в Казанском федеральном университете. В ней участвовали представители российских государственных библиотек (РГБ, Президентская библиотека имени Б.Н. Ельцина, ГПНТБ), библиотек российских вузов, в т. ч. федеральных университетов и вузов – участников Проекта 5-100, известные в библиотечном мире ассоциации и консорциумы (АРБИКОН, АППОЭР, НЭИКОН); крупные поставщики и агрегаторы мировых и российских информационных электронных ресурсов (компании Elsevier, Clarivate Analytics, EBSCO, ProQuest и др.); музейные специалисты.

Конференция собрала более 100 человек из разных городов России, в т. ч. Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Волгограда, Екатеринбурга, Ижевска, Йошкар-Олы, Калининграда, Красноярска, Нижнего Новгорода, Саратова, Томска, Тюмени, Ярославля и, конечно же, Казани. Приехали специалисты из Казахстана, Великобритании, Чехии.

Основные темы, заявленные в докладах, раскрывают современные направления развития библиотек. В зоне внимания авторов: электронные ресурсы и их продвижение в научно-образовательную среду, библиотечно-информационные инструменты поддержки учебно-методического обеспечения образовательных программ, информационные компетенции пользователей библиотек. Одна из ведущих тем – использование наукометрических инструментов при оценке научной деятельности организаций, отдельных коллективов и ученых. По-прежнему вызывает интерес профессиональной общественности история библиотек и ее фондов. На эту тему было представлено несколько докладов на специально выделенной секции.

Лейтмотивом, связующим все прозвучавшие на конференции выступления, стала тема стремительно меняющейся роли библиотек в условиях глобальных вызовов современности. В полной мере это нашло отражение и в материалах, представленных в данном выпуске.


Ю.А. Лексина, И.К. Фомичева

Published: 15.01.2018

Digital resources of the Russian State Library – developing science and education

Нина Владимировна Авдеева

Digital resources of the Russian State Library (RSL) are composed of the Digital Library including 11 collections, the largest of which and the one of the greatest demand is the Digital Dissertation Library, of the RSL Internet Store and of other electronic services. The Russian State Library is in a constant process of broadening its electronic collections, and it would develop the very system of its remote services for readers, too. Thus the RSL makes its contribution to the quality of science and education in Russia, to cultural education of the nation and to creation of a united library and information environment within the state.

Influence of sociological polls on formation information culture of users of Educational and Scientific Information Centre of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology

Юлия Алексеевна Гайнуллина, Галина Александровна Калантаева
Abstract: Practice of holding the sociological surveys conducted for the purpose of detection of opinion of users on electronic information resources and the related information services provided by Educational and scientific information center of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology is described. Results of these polls are given. Experience on formation of information culture of users of Educational and scientific information center of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology is presented.

Knowledge management as the efficiency improvement factor of the continuous library-informational formation: experience of Republican Medical Library Information Center

Юлия Николаевна Дрешер
Abstract: The article tells about the creation of knowledge management system in Republican Medical Library Information Centre (RMLIC, Kazan). Key elements of knowledge management in libraries are explained. The information on programs of improvement of professional skill of librarians, forms and methods are given.

Periods of military trials in the history of The National Library of The Republic of Tatarstan (1941–1945 yrs.)

Римма Узбековна Елизарова
Abstract: Discusses activities of the Republican library of the Tatar ASSR them. V.I. Lenin during the Great Patriotic war. The highlighted characteristic of this period of trend, consisting in the application of the composition of the reading groups, the development of mobile library points, moving the centre of gravity in service to the readers on military subjects, a decrease in the dynamics of recruitment literature, incompleteness of the library staff and the deterioration of conditions of work.

SMART engineering library of the university: a view from the inside

Галина Васильевна Ившина

Library processes are considered from the point of view of building a smart library. Identified problems of creation and support the latest version of the library site, the replenishment of the Fund of the role and place of "smart" electronic educational resources in engineering education, the establishment of thematic collections via the electronic library systems.

Relevant problems of methodological support of educational programs with electronic library resources

Натела Нодарьевна Квелидзе-Кузнецова

The modern stage of higher education system development is related to the new educational model of specialists training based on the graduates’ competences for further professional and social activity within the conditions of rapidly socio-economic developing of modern society.

Methodological support of educational problems is not only a significant component of federal state educational standards of higher education and one of the important accreditation criteria but is a core element of the new educational model.

The new role for the library as the creator and administrator of university’s learning system

Елена Юрьевна Лотова, Людмила Вячеславовна Апакина
Abstract: The article raises questions of overcoming the crisis in the library through the merger of informational library resources with the RUDN’s Learning Management System. The new role of the library in the creation and support of the Learning Management System, and integration of the electronic library system and other databases with the Learning Management System is discussed.

Library information services and methodological support tools of educational programs in Herzen state pedagogical university

Светлана Александровна Морозова
Abstract: The software package of book supply coefficient calculation represents a monitor that reflects interrelation of printed along with electronic methodological support and principal educational programs implemented in the university. Data provided by the book supply software allows prompt planning, on-time adjusting of printed publications purchase, and forming effective subscription for electronic library databases according to relevancy of the content in a particular university’s current educational process.

Requirements to information competence of experts in the evaluation of projects of applied research

Ирина Болеславовна Рутковская, Александр Александрович Мусатов

The article presents the results of the in-depth interviews and a questionnaire survey of representatives of the scientific-technical sphere with the aim of defining the information skills required for carrying out of examination of projects of applied research and experimental development in the framework of the Federal target program «Research and development on priority directions of development of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020».

Use of scientometric databases in case of expertise of scientific and technical projects

Светлана Юрьевна Тузова

The methods of information and analytical support of examination of scientific and technical projects within the Federal Target Program «Researches and developments in priority directions of scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014–2020» are discussed. The results of a poll of independent experts in the assessment of effectiveness of the specified support are presented. 

Moussa Dzhalil's Library

Назира Газизовна Фаттахова, Лейсан Фандияровна Харасова
Abstract: Article is devoted to a research of a private library of the famous Tatar poet hero Moussa Dzhalil which is exhibited at the museum apartment of the poet. The structure is analyzed, the structure of library is characterized.

Lifetime editions of russian classics represented in the holdings of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan

Рушания Камилевна Юнусова

Many lines have been written about the wealth of the holdings of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan. When speaking of the rare books stored in the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books of our Library, it is worth mentioning the lifetime editions of some Russian classics. Many of these editions are bibliographic rarities. The history of the publication of A.S. Pushkin’s "Eugene Onegin" and "Poems", F.I. Tiutchev’s "Poems", and A.A. Akhmatova’s "The evening", is especially interesting. It would be impossible to have all the lifetime editions of famous poets and writers within one library’s holdings. Nevertheless, the staff of the Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books continue the search for such rarities among our Library’s holdings.