Published: 15.08.2014

Rare and Valuable Publications in Scientific Library of Perm State National Research University: History and Prospects of Development (the 100th Anniversary of the University)

Т.В. Баринова
Abstract: A brief history of the formation of the rare books in the Scientific Library of the Perm State University. Review of the scientific and practical activities to identify, secure and update the literary monuments. Non-departmental co-operation, social and educational activities excursion. The gradual establishment of the library and museum exhibition of the literary monuments. The search for new ways to update the collection of rare books.

The Practice of Creation, Acquisition and Use of Electronic Resources in the Scientific Research Information Center of Kazan State Technological University

Ю.А. Гайнуллина, Г.А. Калантаева
Abstract: In the article described the practice of Educational and Scientific Information Centre (ESIC) on the creation, equipment and using of electronic resources in Kazan National Research Technological University. Authors review of electronic resources generated and used in the practice of ESIC, show the choice ELS and the work experience with the "Electronic Library" database.

Collection of Postcards of V.I. ADO in the Digital Library of Kazan University

Е.А. Ивайкина
Abstract: The experience of the creation of the digital postcards collection of the beginning of the XX century of the Library by the name of N.I. Lobachevskii of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University is presented. Here under review were main problems and peculiarities of the bibliographic description of the graphic materials of this type.

Using the Resources of Electronic Library System in the Distance Learning

Е.В. Майорова
Abstract: The article is devoted to the new form of education-distance learning. It discussed the practical implementation questions and the implementation of the method in the University in general, and in the scientific library in particular. Great attention is paid to the problem of creating of electronic library systems, methods of replenishment of its fund and providing for the united forms of remote access to electronic educational resources. The publication also presents the interim results of their own experience of the work of library in the development of distance learning technologies.