Published: 15.10.2012
Spatial data infrastructure for the scientific research
Обсуждаются планы создания Академической инфраструктуры пространственных данных как элемента единого научного пространства РАН. Приводятся результаты ее реализации, в том числе геопорталы будущей распределенной сети узлов «ГеоМета» ВЦ РАН ( и ИГ РАН (, и проект по особо охраняемым природным территориям России на основе интегрированной прикладной схемы в соответствии со спецификацией Директивы INSPIRE Европейского союза.
spatial data, spatial data infrastructure, geoportal, protected site, metadata.
Spatial data integration environment "GeoMeta"
The spatial data portal GeoMeta is described as a standardized and decentralized spatial information management environment, designed for access to geodata, cartographic products and related metadata from various sources. The main features of the portal are discussed, with the accent on the expansions, realized in its last versions.
spatial data, spatial data infrastructure, geoportal, metadata.
Integration capabilities of Digital library management system LibMeta
Digital library management system LibMeta is presented. It provides a means of library and museum metadata integration. Metadata schema of Digital library management system LibMeta which is based on ENIP schema is exposed. It contains main, library profiles and also profiles to work with museum and media objects. Integration of information from different sources could lead to duplication of resource descriptions. Detailed integration algorithm is given; it helps to avoid duplication of resource descriptions.
digital library, metadata, data integration.