Published: 15.08.2009

Use of semiotical approach for reviewing of intellectual information systems

В.Б. Барахнин, А.М. Федотов
Abstract: In the article the meaning of terms "information", "knowledge", "thesaurus", "ontology" with reference to the sector of informatics, which studies processes of mutual transformations of the data, information and knowledge, is specified. It allows provision of short description of intellectual information systems functioning in terms of theoretical computer science.

Modern Information Technologies and Written Heritage

В.А. Баранов, И.С. Маргулис
Abstract: In article results of researches of groups of the experts including authors which purpose is studying and preservation of a textual heritage are stated. The problems come to light, concerning coordination of formats (in particular, charsets), and are offered a way the decisions demanding the consolidated approach of experts. Article generalizes preliminary results of work of the community created with the given purpose and the cycle of conferences organized by it.