Published: 28.05.2019

Using adjacency matrices for visualization of large graphs

Зинаида Владимировна Апанович
Abstract: Exponential size growth of such graphs as social networks, Internet graphs, etc. requires new approaches to their visualization. Along with node-link diagram representations, adjacency matrices and various hybrid representations are increasingly used for large graphs visualizations. This survey discusses new approaches to the visualization of large graphs using adjacency matrices and gives examples of applications where these approaches are used. We describe various types of patterns arising when adjacency matrices corresponding to modern networks are ordered, and algorithms making it possible to reveal these patterns. In particular, the use of matrix ordering methods in conjunction with algorithms looking for such graph patterns as stars, false stars, chains, near-cliques, full cliques, bipartite cores and near-bipartite cores enable users to create understandable visualizations of graphs with millions of vertices and edges. Examples of hybrid visualizations using node-link diagrams for representing sparse parts of a graph and adjacency matrices for representing dense parts are also given. The hybrid methods are used to visualize co-authorship networks, deep neural networks, to compare networks of the human brain connectivity, etc.

Socio-psychological peculiarities of working with studying on the increase in the percentage of original scientific research work

Николай Александрович Котелевцев
Abstract: The article discusses the socio-psychological characteristics of work with students to increase the percentage of originality of research. Presents the results of an experimental study. As a determinant, causing the desire to improve the scientific and original work of members of educational groups, highlighted - joint activities and the level of development of the team. The dependence between the introduction of technologies for constructing developing social media according to L.I. Umansky and A.S. Chernyshev in the educational process and the development of subjective qualities, both individuals and groups. As a hypothetical position, it is suggested that the degree of inclusion of the group in the social environment and the level of development of the team contribute to the formation of students installation for productive collaborative activities in the framework of the implementation of research projects. The positive socio-psychological climate in the study group and the overall level of motivational attitudes mediate the likelihood of high originality of the scientific text in students. The study involved more than 200 people. As a result, it was found that against the background of the prevalence of the joint-individual form of organization of joint activities, the majority of students show an average level of originality of the text of scientific research. The following changes were made to the livelihoods of educational groups: the introduction of a jointly-interdependent form of organizing joint educational and educational work, the organization of scientific circles with the inclusion of subjects in them, the introduction of a rating assessment of the degree of originality of the texts of research papers of students. As a result, we observed positive dynamic changes both at the qualitative and quantitative levels. The introduction of the jointly interdependent form of organizing joint educational and educational work in the livelihoods of groups contributed to the discovery of the scientific potential of students, against the background of learning (in popular science and game form) the principles of building scientific text, working with methodical literature, organizing research activities (from theoretical to experimental). level). Thus, it can be said that the socio-psychological components highlighted in the article contribute to the development of students' personal qualities, thereby increasing their responsibility for the authenticity and originality of the provision of theoretical and practical information within the framework of the research work being done.

The principles of justice as fairness in the publishing activities in the field of education

Abstract: The results about the plagiarism problem are presented. The reasons for its distribution in publishing and educational activities and ways of eradication are considered. Such root causes of this phenomenon as: loss of trust tradition in publishing activity with updating authors; insensitivity to publishing ethics of the modern authors grown up in the period of loyalty to plagiarism; commercialization of anti-plagiarism campaigns; weak motivation of authors to publishing activity. The concept about fairness as honest by J. Rawls is proposed to substantiate the methodological approach to solving the problem of dishonesty in publishing, including plagiarism. With its help, the idea about forming of relationships system "publishing-authors" on the basis of the justice principles as honesty is substantiated. The approach to the formation of the ethical framework for relations in the chain "publishing – authors – students – IT-managers – employers" on the basis of the justice principles, such as: equality rights of the requirements about their own benefits, mutual honesty; ethical restrictions on actions, that harm those in the worst position, which are students-readers. The procedure of development and coordination of justice principles in publishing activity with the help of the website of publishing house is offered. These principles should be reflected in the ethical code of publishing.