On Serious and Funny in Science (Based on Materials of Digital Libraries)
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Digital libraries (DL) and archives accumulate gigantic volumes of various information. The goal of this work is, without trying to cover the immensity, to try, using a relatively small number of striking examples, to trace how issues of scientific creativity are reflected in DL; discuss and dispel stereotypical ideas about scientists as unsociable, pedantic formalists or eccentric, absent-minded persons; show how the peculiarities of their thought processes, combined with high intelligence, can cause misunderstanding in everyday life. At the same time, these qualities, combined with originality of thinking, sometimes turning into paradox, are manifested in non-standard approaches to problems, non-trivial solutions, and an ironic attitude towards the surrounding reality. As a result, along with serious results, unexpected associations and analogies; jokes, witticisms, and anecdotes are born. The paper provides examples of the creativity of scientists in the professional field, as well as works in such genres as science fiction, utopia, humor, and art song. Materials from 20+ electronic libraries were used.
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