Ontology of the Universal Subspace of Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge

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Svetlana Aleksandrovna Vlasova
Nikolay Evgenievich Kalenov
Alexander Nikolaevch Sotnikov


The work is a development of research conducted by the authors in the field of creating a Common Digital Space for Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK). Previous research has proposed a unified structure for representing the ontology of CDSSK elements (subspaces, classes and attributes of objects, relationships between objects or attributes). In the process of modeling the ontology using the example of the universal and a number of thematic subspaces of the CDSSK, the need for some adjustments to the structure of the ontology regarding CDSSK directories was revealed to ensure the possibility of describing nested data attributes. In addition, the concept of “data attribute value dictionary type” was introduced into the ontology; two types of dictionaries were defined – “static” and “dynamic”. This information makes it possible to simplify formal-logical control algorithms when generating CDSSK content. An indication of the dictionary type has been introduced into the structure of object attribute directories. The presented work describes the modified structure of the ontology using the example of 11 auxiliaries and 10 subject classes of the CDSSK universal subspace (USS). Examples of directories of each class, built in accordance with the ontology structure model, a list of object attributes and examples of static dictionaries are given.

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