About Descriptions of Some Bounary-Value Problems in the Semantic Library LibMeta

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Olga Muratovna Ataeva
Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov
Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova


An ontological design approach was used to describe the semantics of some boundary value problems in the LibMeta digital library. To describe problems in the LibMeta library, connections of terms and concepts with classical definitions of the mathematical encyclopedia and other primary sources have been established. Establishing links allows you to form a dictionary and thesaurus of the applied subject area of new boundary value problems and place the results in the semantic environment of the digital library. Examples of this approach are demonstrated using the capabilities of the LibMeta semantic library, which contains a digitized version of the mathematical encyclopedia, encyclopedia of mathematical physics, classifiers, and applied mathematical thesauri and dictionaries. New terms from publications, after being added to the content of the library, were reflected with links in the mathematical encyclopedia. The thesaurus for problems in the elasticity theory domain was created for the first time by integrating subject dictionaries, classifiers, metadata of specialized journal publications and encyclopedic content of the LibMeta library. The purpose of such research is to provide the user with additional services in the search for publications in the applied scientific field.

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