Academician Glushkov's Fulfilled and Unfulfilled Forecasts
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In 2023, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist V.M. Glushkov was celebrated. More than 40 years ago, his book “Fundamentals of Paperless Informatics” was published, dedicated to various aspects of the use of electronic document management. In this monograph, the author substantiates the need for informatization of all aspects of life and shares his ideas about the future information society. However, his main project - the creation of a national automated system for recording and processing information OGAS - remained unrealized. The paper contains information from the biography of V.M. Glushkov, quotes from his monograph; describes the modern development of the ideas and forecasts described in it in relation to various spheres of society. The reasons for the failure of the OGAS project are also analyzed.
Article Details
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