Automated System for Selecting Optimal Methods for Solving Acoustic Problems Based on Ontology

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The report presents the software package that will allow specialists in the field of architectural acoustics to choose the most appropriate methods for modeling sound and selecting finishing materials depending on the tasks and parameters of a building A distinctive feature of this system is the presence of an ontology of the subject area that describes the terms and relationships between concepts, as well as modules for solving various problems in the field of architectural acoustics. Such an approach will allow the user to recommend the most suitable simulation methods for one’s request due to considering the specifics of the premises and the functional requirements of the client. The on-demand software system allows to optimize and parallelize programs written in a domain-specific programming language. The paper describes the principles of source code analysis to identify critical areas and modify them using a bank of patterns. The report also discusses an approach to develop a domain-specific programming language based on domain ontology, ODSL (Ontology-Based Domain-Specific Language), which allows specialists to describe algorithms not accounting for different specific optimization and parallelization methods. The novelty of the work lies in the proposed architecture of modules based on applied ontology, which makes it possible to adapt the solution to other subject areas.

Article Details


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