Controlled Face Generation System using StyleGAN2 Neural Network

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Marat Isangulov
Razil Minneakhmetov
Almaz Khamedzhanov
Timur Khafizyanov
Emil Pashaev
Ernest Kalimullin


A novel approach to supervised face generation using open-source generative models including StyleGAN2 and Ridge Regression is presented. A methodology that extends StyleGAN2 to control facial characteristics such as age, race, gender, facial expression, and hair attributes is developed, and an extensive dataset of human faces with attribute annotations is utilized. The faces were encoded in 256-dimensional latent space using the StyleGAN2 encoder, resulting in a set of characteristic latent codes. We applied the t-SNE algorithm to cluster these feature-based codes, demonstrated the ability to control face generation, and subsequently trained Ridge regression models for each dimension of the latent codes using the labeled features. When decoded using StyleGAN2, the resulting codes successfully reconstructed face images while maintaining the association with the input features. The developed approach provides an easy and efficient way to supervised face generation using existing generative models such as StyleGAN2, and opens up new possibilities for different application areas.

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