Unified Representation of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge Ontology
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The Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is a digital information environment aggregating heterogeneous information related to various aspects of scientific knowledge. One of the important functions of the CDSSK is to provide information for solving artificial intelligence problems, which makes it necessary to support data in a structure that complies with the rules of the semantic WEB. The features of the CDSSK are, on the one hand, the polythematics and heterogeneity of content elements, on the other hand, the high dynamics of the emergence of new types of objects and connections between them, which is due to the specifics of the development of science. At the same time, it should be possible to navigate through heterogeneous space resources using semantic links between them. The possibilities of the CDSSK are largely determined by the structure of the ontology of space, the model of which is proposed in this paper. Within the framework of the model, the hierarchical structuring of the CDSSK ontology is carried out; such elements as "subspace", "class of objects", "object", "attributes of an object", three types of pairwise relations of objects or attributes (universal, quasi-universal and specific) are distinguished and defined. The structure of each elements type is determined by a "reference book" of a unified type; specific values of attributes and relationships are contained in dictionaries of a unified structure. A class of "Formats" objects describing the rules for the formation of attributes and values of relationships is allocated. The formalization of CDSSK reference books and dictionaries representations is proposed. The proposed model allows you to simply add new types of objects, of their pairwise relationships and attributes to the space, as needed.
Article Details
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