A Digital Platform for Integration and Analysis of Geophysical Monitoring Data from the Baikal Natural Zone

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Andrey Pavlovich Grigoryuk
Lyudmila Petrovna Braginskaya
Valeriy Viktorovich Kovalevskiy


This paper presents a digital platform for complex monitoring data of dangerous geodynamic, engineering-geological and hydrogeological processes occurring in the region of intensive nature management of the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory (CEZ BNT). The platform is intended for integration and analysis of data coming from several polygons located within the CEZ BPT in order to assess the state of the geological environment and forecasting of hazardous processes manifestation.

The platform is built on a client-server architecture. Storage, processing and analysis of data is carried out on the server, which users can access via the Internet using a web browser. Several data filtering methods (linear frequency, Savitsky-Goley and others), various methods of spectral and wavelet analysis, multifractal and entropy analysis, and spatial data analysis are currently available. The digital platform has been tested on real data.

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