Digital Transformation of Hazardous Geological Processes Monitoring on the Example of the Baikal Natural Territory

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Igor Vyacheslavovich Bychkov
Gennady Mikhailovich Ruzhnikov
Viacheslav Vladimirovich Paramonov
Anna Aleksandrovna Dobrynina


Baikal Natural Territory (BNT) is the territory that adjacent to Lake Baikal, which is a unique natural object and, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention, a "World Natural Heritage". Baikal is in the central part of the Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) – the most active seismic zone located in the middle of Russia. The development of the BRZ leads to the emergence of dangerous geological processes that can lead to a violation of the balance in the Lake Baikal ecological system and the surrounding area. In addition, these processes and phenomena pose a real threat to the smooth functioning of mainline communications, hydroelectric power plants and strategically important industries in the region, which, according to the classification of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, belongs to the first category of danger. To ensure systematic monitoring and forecasting of the environmental situation of the BNT, systematic observations are organized, as well as obtaining and analysing information about the activity of hazardous geological processes in digital form. The digital transformation of monitoring of hazardous geological processes, resulting from the digitalization of processes and the development of appropriate infrastructure, provides the possibility of using new models and methods, more flexible approaches to the analysis of ongoing processes and the prediction of possible extreme events. In this paper, a digital platform is proposed that provides support for the digital transformation of the monitoring of hazardous geological processes using the example of BNT. The platform under consideration may be used for ecological monitoring of BNT area.

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