Building a Digital Geological Knowledge Management System to Support Scientific Research
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The paper describes new approaches to collecting data on scientific publications from open access systems with the subject of Earth Science. Based on the developed and adapted approaches, an archive of scientific publications (repository) and a set of programs for accessing scientific publications for collecting, searching, filtering, cataloging and managing publications and their metadata have been created. In order to improve the availability of publications and other related data on the websites of the SGM RAS, the Wiki – Geology of Russia system has been developed. This system is a thematic rubric in the direction of "Mineral deposits of Russia", with an additional topic "Mineralogy". All articles must have a link to the source of information from the archive of scientific publications and, optionally, additional links on similar topics. Wiki – Geology of Russia is the first step in creating a knowledge base on mineral deposits.
Article Details
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5. MediaWiki.
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7. Патук М.И., Наумова В.В., Еременко В.С. Цифровой репозиторий "": открытый доступ к научным публикациям по геологии России // Электронные библиотеки. 2020. Т. 23, №6. С. 1324–1338.
8. Semantic MediaWiki.
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