On the Synonym Search Model

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Olga Muratovna Ataeva
Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov
Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova


The problem of finding the most relevant documents as a result of an extended and refined query is considered. For this, a search model and a text preprocessing mechanism are proposed, as well as the joint use of a search engine and a neural network model built on the basis of an index using word2vec algorithms to generate an extended query with synonyms and refine search results based on a selection of similar documents in a digital semantic library. The paper investigates the construction of a vector representation of documents based on paragraphs in relation to the data array of the digital semantic library LibMeta. Each piece of text is labeled. Both the whole document and its separate parts can be marked. The problem of enriching user queries with synonyms was solved, then when building a search model together with word2vec algorithms, an approach of "indexing first, then training" was used to cover more information and give more accurate search results. The model was trained on the basis of the library's mathematical content. Examples of training, extended query and search quality assessment using training and synonyms are given.

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