Situational Modeling Technology in Virtual Environment Systems

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Mikhail Vasilievich Mikhailyuk
Dmitry Alekseevich Kononov
Dmitry Mikhailovich Loginov


The technology of modelling various situations in virtual environment systems, which are computer three-dimensional models of a real or artificial environment, is discussed. The user can view these scenes directly on the computer screen, wall screen, in a stereo glasses, virtual reality glasses, etc. He can also move inside a virtual scene and interact with its objects. In turn, the environment can also change. This allows modelling of various situations (situation modelling) in the virtual environment system. With such modelling, some static or dynamic situation is set in the virtual environment system in which the operator must perform the tasks assigned to him.

A mechanism for setting situations by changing a virtual three-dimensional scene using configuration files and virtual control panels is proposed. A special language has been developed for writing configuration files, and a special editor has been developed for creating virtual control panels. The approbation of the proposed methods is presented on the examples of two virtual scenes: a training ground for mobile robots and a jet backpack for the rescue of an astronaut in outer space.

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