Prospective Bibliography

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Gorbunov-Posadov


The prospective bibliography, i.e., the list of referring publications— is a dynamically drawn-up list of works published after the publication under consideration and contained a reference to it. Leading foreign publishers of scientific journals, as a rule, post lists of referring publications on the web pages of their articles. In our country, the posting lists of referring publications has not yet become the norm, but it is gradually becoming widespread. The implementations of the list of referring publications in a number of characteristic projects are considered. The terminology used is discussed.

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1. Yong Gao, Qiang Wu, Linna Zhu. Merging the citations received by arXiv-deposited e-prints and their corresponding published journal articles: Problems and perspectives // Information Processing & Management. 2020. V. 57, No. 5.
2. R. McCullough. Preprints are now in Scopus! // blog.scopus. URL:
3. Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI). URL:
4. Connected papers. URL:
5. ORCID connecting research and researchers. URL:
6. COinS (ContextObjects in Spans). URL: