Development of the Information System for Registering the Result of Scientific Institution’ Employees Intellectual Activity

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Svetlana Aleksandrovna Vlasova
Nikolay Evgenevich Kalenov


The article describes a Web-system developed by the authors that implements services related to the formation and provision of multifaceted information about the results of scientific activities (publications, copyright certificates and reports at scientific events) of employees of an organization or a group of organizations. The system is focused both on the end user interested in obtaining specific data, and on the administrative staff, who generates reporting materials for the parent organization. The information base of the system contains metadata on the following classes of objects: persons (authors), organizations and their subdivisions; publications at analytical, monographic and summary levels; copyright certificates; scientific events (conferences, symposia, seminars); reports. The system includes two modules – an administrative one (intended for entering and editing data) and a user one, which is a special search engine that searches for information, visualizes it, provides navigation among related resources and exports data. A distinctive feature of the system is the introduced concept of “equivalent” objects. Objects are considered equivalent if they are represented in the system by different metadata, but referring to the same physical entity. Such objects are “persons” corresponding to one author with different spellings of the surname in the bibliographic descriptions of publications; organizations with different variants of names; articles published unchanged in various languages. In accordance with modern requirements for reporting on publications, the system reflects the sources of research funding, as well as the affiliations indicated in the articles for each author.

Article Details


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