Educational Projection Systems, Levels And Prerequisites Of Mathematical Ontology OntoMathEdu

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Marina Falileeva
Alexander Kirillovich
Olga Nevzorova
Liliana Shakirova
Evgeny Lipachev
Anastasiya Dyupina


The developed educational projections, levels and prerequisites of the mathematical educational multilingual ontology OntoMathEdu are presented. Educational projection is viewed as the formalization of a certain system of subject training in mathematics. It is a subset of OntoMathEdu ontology concepts, which are structured at this stage of ontology development using two didactic relationships – educational level and prerequisites.

Educational levels are allocated on the basis of the teaching standards of the corresponding education system, the relation of prerequisites is determined by the sequence of the studied concepts in a particular education system.

The OntoMathEdu ontology defines two projections representing the educational systems of Russia and Great Britain. The algorithm for constructing an ontology through linking various projections allows it to be further replenished with new educational projections, which can later be used in the system of multilingual teaching of mathematics.

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