Data Extraction from Similarly Structured Scanned Documents

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Rustem Damirovich Saitgareev
Bulat Rifatovich Giniyatullin
Vladislav Yurievich Toporov
Artur Aleksandrovich Atnagulov
Farid Radikovich Aglyamov


Currently, the major part of transmitted and stored data is unstructured, and the amount of unstructured data is growing rapidly each year, although it is hardly searchable, unqueryable, and its processing is not automated. At the same time, there is a growth of electronic document management systems. This paper proposes a solution for extracting data from paper documents considering their structure and layout based on document photos. By examining different approaches, including neural networks and plain algorithmic methods, we present their results and discuss them.

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Author Biographies

Rustem Damirovich Saitgareev

Master's student at the Department of Software Engineering, Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems, Kazan federal university.

Bulat Rifatovich Giniyatullin

Master's student at the Department of Software Engineering, Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems, Kazan federal university.

Vladislav Yurievich Toporov

Master's student at the Department of Software Engineering, Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems, Kazan federal university

Artur Aleksandrovich Atnagulov

Master's student at the Department of Software Engineering, Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems, Kazan federal university.

Farid Radikovich Aglyamov

Master's student at the Department of Software Engineering, Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems, Kazan federal university.


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