Refutation of a Rumor by the Mass Media: Mathematical Model and Numerical Experiments

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The process is considered, in which an unreliable rumor spreads in society, which is opposed by the broadcasting of the mass media. In this case, the unreliability of hearing is understood so that the information of the media contains a refutation and thereby inoculates individuals, that is, makes them immune to hearing. At the same time, individuals who have managed to accept the rumor cease to trust the media and thereby become unavailable for persuasion. For this process, a mathematical model is proposed in two versions. The variant with continuous time reveals some of the mathematical properties of the model. The discrete time option is more convenient for analyzing real processes since it allows one to estimate the parameters of the model. To assess these parameters, data on the ratings of the main socio-political programs of Russian TV channels were used. Several scenario calculations of the model with these parameters are presented. The main conclusion is that if the information disseminated by the media is not viral, that is, it is not retold by viewers to their neighbors in society, then the media are unable to resist rumors.

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