Information System for Registering the Result of Scientific Institution Employees’ Intellectual Activity
Main Article Content
The article describes a typical object-oriented WEB-system designed for storing and providing various reference and statistical data on the scientific works of employees of an institution (group of institutions), developed by specialists of the JSCC RAS. The system contains information about publications of employees and reports made by them at scientific conferences, symposiums, and seminars. The system is focused on working with objects belonged to classes connected between each other, such as "author", "organization", "publication", "report", "event". The metadata profile of objects of each class includes attributes that are necessary to get detailed information about both an individual object of this class and a group of objects associated with the specified attribute values of objects of other classes. For example, you have to get a list of articles by employees of a given organization published articles in a given journal for a given period of time. A distinctive feature of the system is the introduced concept of "equivalent" objects. Such objects are "persons" corresponding to the same author with different spellings of the last name in the bibliographic descriptions of publications; organizations with different versions of names; articles which are published without changes in different languages. This article describes in detail the features of the system, its user interface, and provides examples of performing specific queries.
Article Details
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