Technology for Filling Subject Ontologies of the Scientific Knowledge Space

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Subject ontology in the context of this article is understood as a set of key concepts related to a certain field of science, with their semantic connections, supplemented by indexes of various classification systems describing this scientific field. Subject ontologies are a necessary component of each subspace that is part of the Unified digital space of scientific knowledge (DSSK). This article presents the results of research related to the construction of subject ontologies based on the created automated system for supporting terminological dictionaries and suggests a methodology for identifying new key terms in a particular field of science. The proposed methodology is based on the use of existing classification systems in conjunction with citation databases, such as Web of Science and Scopus for English–language publications and the Russian citation index for Russian-language publications. The methodology involves dividing the scientific field into a number of sections in accordance with the selected classification system, extracting from the CSB the core of articles related to each section, and from the articles - new author's keywords, which should constitute, in combination with the corresponding sections of classification systems, the basis of the subject ontologies of this scientific field.

Article Details


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