Image Classification Using Reinforcement Learning
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Recently, such a direction of machine learning as reinforcement learning has been actively developing. As a consequence, attempts are being made to use reinforcement learning for solving computer vision problems, in particular for solving the problem of image classification. The tasks of computer vision are currently one of the most urgent tasks of artificial intelligence.
The article proposes a method for image classification in the form of a deep neural network using reinforcement learning. The idea of the developed method comes down to solving the problem of a contextual multi-armed bandit using various strategies for achieving a compromise between exploitation and research and reinforcement learning algorithms. Strategies such as -greedy, -softmax, -decay-softmax, and the UCB1 method, and reinforcement learning algorithms such as DQN, REINFORCE, and A2C are considered. The analysis of the influence of various parameters on the efficiency of the method is carried out, and options for further development of the method are proposed.
Article Details
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