The Histogram Approach for Comparing Cartograms of Murals

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The article describes the development of software aimed at processing images of murals of architectural monuments in order to identify defects. For flaw detection, a histogram approach was used – a comparison of the brightness characteristics of two images of frescoes. This method allows you to track the status of architectural monuments with low costs and minimal human involvement. The developed technology is used as part of the protection of the cultural heritage of the island-town of Sviyazhsk.

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12. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ № 201861634 «Гистограммный анализатор изображений для дефектоскопии фресковой живописи» / Кугуракова В.В., Владимиров П.И., Зыков Е.Ю., Ситди-ков А.Г., Шайхутдинова Е.Ф. № 201861634; заявл. 19.04.2018; в реестре программ для ЭВМ с 01.06.2018.