Analysis of Word Embeddings for Semantic Role Labeling of Russian Texts

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Leysan Maratovna Kadermyatova
Elena Victorovna Tutubalina


Currently, there are a huge number of works dedicated to semantic role labeling of English texts [1–3]. However, semantic role labeling of Russian texts was an unexplored area for many years due to the lack of train and test corpora. Semantic role labeling of Russian Texts was widely disseminated after the appearance of the FrameBank corpus [4]. In this approach, we analyzed the influence of the word embedding models on the quality of semantic role labeling of Russian texts. Micro- and macro- F1 scores on word2vec [5], fastText [6], ELMo [7] embedding models were calculated. The set of experiments have shown that fastText models averaged slightly better than word2vec models as applied to Russian FrameBank corpus. The higher micro- and macro- F1 scores were obtained on deep tokenized word representation model ELMo in relation to classical shallow embedding models.

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Author Biographies

Leysan Maratovna Kadermyatova

Postgraduate student of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems at Kazan Federal University, QA Engineer.

Elena Victorovna Tutubalina

Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, senior researcher of the Higher School of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems at Kazan Federal University. Research interests include natural language processing, machine learning, medical informatics.


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