Mechanisms of Realistic Facial Expressions for Anthropomorphic Social Agents

Main Article Content

Aynur Ayratovich Zinnatov
Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova


Three-dimensional facial animation has been extensively studied, but the achievement of realistic, human-like performance has not yet been decided. This article discusses various approaches for generating animated facial expressions controlled by speech. Combining the considered approaches for both facial animation, and the identification of emotions and the creation of micro-facial expressions in one system, we get a solution suitable for tasks such as game video, avatars of virtual reality or any scenario in which a speaker, speech or language is not known in advance.

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Author Biographies

Aynur Ayratovich Zinnatov

Higher School of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems of Kazan Federal University. His research interests include developing of algorithms for high realistic facial expresions.

Vlada Vladimirovna Kugurakova

Docent of Higher School of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems, Head of Laboratory «Virtual and simulation technologies in biomedicine». Research interests include realism of simulation, immersion VR.


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