Autograph Books in the Library of Musa Jalil

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Nazira Gazizovna Fattakhova
Leysan Fandiyarovna Harasova


The article is devoted to the study of autographed books from the personal library of the famous Tatar poet-hero Musa Jalil, which is exhibited in the Museum-apartment of the poet.

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Author Biographies

Nazira Gazizovna Fattakhova

Honoured worker of culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, manager of Moussa Dzhalil's museum apartment.

Leysan Fandiyarovna Harasova

Senior research associate of the museum apartment of Moussa Dzhalil.


Хамматов Ш.Х. Муса Джалиль – интернационалист. Казань: Татарское книжное издательство, 1988. 190 с.

Максуд М.Г. Дорогие минуты. Казань: Татарское книжное издательство, 1963. 20 с.

Мустафин Р.А. Жизнь как песня. Муса Джалиль. Стихи. Москва: Детская литература, 1987. 44 с.

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