Reloading or the “Old Tale for a New Freak”: What the Libraries of the Support Universities Live Today

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Larisa Litvina
Vera Mikhaylenko


Appearing in Russia of the new cluster of support universities changes their activity in the case of connection with different regional communities. In order to research the experience of support universities’ libraries the Omsk state technical university (OmSTU) scientific library had organized and hold the special webinar. In the preparatory stage the great analytical work had been done. The analysis of support universities libraries’ cites had been performed. It allowed to distinguish events, directed on the interaction with the regional audience. Synchronous studying of strategic universities’ documents allowed the analysis of the role of libraries in realization of universities’ development programms.The results of this work and the opinions, formed during the webinar, are described in this article. Authors also offer the decisions for an effective collaboration and experience exchange between the support universities’ libraries. For example, on the special event of The Russian Library Association section of the higher educational institutions’ libraries.

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Author Biographies

Larisa Litvina

Director of Omsk State Technical University scientific library, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education

Vera Mikhaylenko

Head of the Research and Methodical Department of Omsk State Technical University scientific library


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