Museum of the History of Kazan University and the Kazan University Nikolay Lobachevskii Scientific Library Experience in Cooperation in 2017–2019 Years

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Farida Ravilevna Vagapova
Svetlana Anatolievna Frolova


The Museum is located in the heart of the main building of KFU. This room has changed its purpose many times: after the October revolution it was used as a gym, in wartime it was a hostel for evacuated employees of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, later it served as a reading room of the Scientific library. Lobachevsky. The opening of the Museum was dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Kazan state University in 1979. The Museum is dedicated to the two-century history of the emergence, formation and development of Kazan University – from Imperial to Federal. The main section of the exhibition tells about scientific schools, outstanding researchers and discoveries that brought the Kazan University and its scientists worldwide fame. Much attention is paid to the famous students and graduates of the University: statesmen, scientists, culture, literature and art, sports. Among them, S. T. Aksakov, N. And. Lobachevsky, I. M. Simonov, A. M. Butlerov, L. N. Tolstoy, V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin, E. K. Zavoisky, A. E. Arbuzov, and others. The exhibition shows the role of advanced scientists and democratically minded Kazan students in the social and political life of Russia XIX-early XX each section of the exhibition you can see the relics of the past and the present, which witnessed many events in the history of the University and the country. In addition to the main exhibition, the Museum includes a memorial complex: the Imperial hall and lecture hall of the faculty of law with the interior of the late XIX – early XX centuries, where as a students listened to lectures L. Tolstoy, V. Ulyanov and others.The report is devoted to the areas of cooperation between the Museum of History of Kazan University and the KFU Nikolay Lobachevsky Scientific Library in 2017-2019 years such as exhibition, cultural and educational activities to preserve and promote the university’s heritage.

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Author Biographies

Farida Ravilevna Vagapova

Vice director of Museum of the History of Kazan University.

Svetlana Anatolievna Frolova

Director of Museum of the History of Kazan University, candidate of historical sciences.


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F. R. Vagapova, 2S. A. Frolova

-2Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlyovskaya street, Kazan, 420008