On Modeling the Operation of the Defense Industries of the Economy: Information Support

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Anatoly Anatolievich Akinshin
Yuri Evgenievich Polyak


When processing huge amounts of information arising in the process of activities of individual organizations and entire sectors of the economy, new approaches and solutions are needed. For effective conversion of national defense industry, an information and analytical system is being developed. The paper discusses the created tool for systematization of open data on military products and defense industry potential. In particular, a resource is being developed that will be a kind of aggregator of this information.

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Author Biographies

Anatoly Anatolievich Akinshin

Head of Laboratory of Local Area Networks and Computer Information and Publishing Technologies, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute. Moscow, Russia

Yuri Evgenievich Polyak

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute. Moscow, Russia. More detailed: http://computer-museum.ru/articles/sovet-muzeya/561/


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