The Using of DVM-System for Developing of a Program for Calculations of the Problem of Radiation Magnetic Gas Dynamics and Research of Plasma Dynamics in the QSPA Channel

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DVM-system is designed for the development of parallel programs of scientific and technical calculations in the C-DVMH and Fortran-DVMH languages. These languages use a single DVMH-model of parallel programming model and are an extension of the standard C and Fortran languages with parallelism specifications in the form of compiler directives. The DVMH model makes it possible to create efficient parallel programs for heterogeneous computing clusters, in the nodes of which accelerators, graphic processors or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors can be used as computing devices along with universal multi-core processors. The article describes the experience of the successful using of DVM-system to develop a parallel software code for calculating the problem of radiation magnetic gas dynamics and for research of plasma dynamics in the QSPA channel.

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Author Biographies

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Bakhtin

Leading researcher of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, docent of the faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Research interests include mathematical software, software and systems for distributed computing; parallel algorithms; methods, tools and systems of large data processing.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Zakharov

Programmer of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. Research interests include mathematical software, software and systems for distributed computing; parallel algorithms; automatization of parallel programming; parallelization of unstructured grid applications.

Andrey Nikolaevich Kozlov

Chief researcher of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, professor of the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Research interests include fluid, gas and plasma mechanics; mathematical modeling; plasma physics.

Veniamin Sergeevich Konovalov

Junior researcher of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. Research interests include mathematical modeling of physical processes in plasma, solution of MHD equations, radiation transport, quasi-steady plasma accelerator, magnetic traps.


Kozlov A. N. The study of plasma flows in accelerators with thermonuclear parameters // Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2017. V. 51. No. 11, Ar. 115004. P. 1–7.

Kozlov A.N., Konovalov V.S. Numerical study of the ionization process and radiation transport in the channel of plasma accelerator // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2017. V. 51. P. 169–179.

Kozlov A.N., Konovalov V.S. Radiation transport in the ionizing gas flow in the quasi-steady plasma accelerator // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2018. V. 946.

Язык C-DVMH. C-DVMH компилятор. Компиляция, выполнение и отладка CDVMH-программ. URL:

Язык Fortran-DVMH. Fortran-DVMH компилятор. Компиляция, выполнение и отладка DVMH-программ. URL: FDVMH-user-guide-ru.pdf

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