Convergence Research of Numerical Methods for Solving Problems With Mixed Type Operator in an Unlimited Area

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Methods for solving problems of elliptic equations, based on the third Green formula, was analyzed. New methods for solving a problem with a mixed-type operator in an unbounded domain are proposed. On the basis of the proposed methods, programs for solving problems with a mixed type operator have been created. The results of computational experiments, showing the correctness of the application of methods, are presented.

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Author Biographies

Mikhail Pavlovich Galanin

Doctor of science, Head of Department of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Bauman Moscow State University. Author of more than 240 publications in the field of computational experiment, computational mathematics, mathematical simulation of multidimensional non-stationary processes in continuous media.

Dmitry Leonidovich Sorokin

Junior Researcher of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Assistant of Bauman Moscow State University. Scientific interest: mathematical simulation of non-stationary electrodynamic fields.


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