Reconstruction of Multi-Dimensional Form of Linearized Accesses to Arrays in SAPFOR

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Nikita Andreevich Kataev
Vladislav Nikolaevich Vasilkin


The system for automated parallelization SAPFOR (System FOR Automated Parallelization) includes tools for program analysis and transformation. The main goal of the system is to reduce the complexity of program parallelization. SAPFOR system is focused on the investigation of multilingual applications in Fortran and C programming languages. The low-level LLVM IR representation is used in SAPFOR for program analysis. This representation allows us to perform various IR-level optimizations to improve the quality of program analysis. At the same time, it loses some features of the program, which are available in its higher level representation. One of these features is the multi-dimensional structure of the arrays. Data dependence analysis is one of the main problems which should be solved to automate program parallelization. Moreover, such an analysis belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. Knowledge of the multidimensional structure of arrays allows in many cases to take into account the structure of index expressions in calls to arrays and reduce the complexity of the analysis. In addition, the use of multi-dimensional arrays allows us to use multi-dimensional processor matrix and to parallelize a whole loop nests, rather than a single loop in the nest. So, parallelism of a program is going to be increased. These opportunities are natively supported in the DVM system. This paper discusses the approach used in the SAPFOR system to recover the form of multi-dimensional arrays by their linearized representation in LLVM IR. The proposed approach has been successfully evaluated on various applications including performance tests from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks suite.

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Author Biographies

Nikita Andreevich Kataev

Researcher of KIAM RAS, a specialist in system programming. Research interests include compiler technologies, semi-automatic program parallelization.

Vladislav Nikolaevich Vasilkin

Student of CMC faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University


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