Creation of Query Expansion Based on the Subject Domain Thesaurus in the Ontology of Knowledge of the Semantic Library

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Olga Muratovna Ataeva
Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov
Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova


Possibilities of query expansion with subject area thesaurus are discussed. The role of the context defined by thesaurus term links is both to refine the query and to increase the size of the sample on the query. Of particular importance is the process of expanding the query for scientific subject areas where the search based on special terminology. In this case, thesauruses of subject areas must be used to minimize the occurrence of information noise. The proposed approach takes into account the application of similar terminology in various subject areas. Examples of the use of thesaurus of separate sections of equations of mathematical physics and related fields demonstrate the effectiveness of the chosen approach of research. By linking to concepts of information resources of other areas of knowledge, the extension of the information query captures search fields of remote subject areas and various types of data, texts, symbolic, audio and video archives. Research shows that expanding the query based on context semantics improves the search quality of scientific publications in digital information and increases the effectiveness of scientific interdisciplinary research.

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Author Biographies

Olga Muratovna Ataeva

Researcher of the of Dorodnicyn computing center FRC SCS RAS, expert in the field of system programming and databases.

Vladimir Alekseevich Serebriakov

Expert in the field of theory of formal languages and its applications, doctor of sciences, professor, head of Dorodnicyn computing center FRC SCS RAS department. Head and participant in the development of a number of well-known program projects, in particular, ISIR RAS, Scientific portal RAS.

Natalia Pavlovna Tuchkova

Senior researcher of Dorodnicyn computing center FRC SCS RAS, PhD in physics with a math degree, graduated from CS Faculty of Lomonosov MSU. The expert in the field of algorithmic languages and information technologies.


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