Leveraging Semantic Markups for Incorporating External Resources Data to the Content of a Web Page

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Evgeny L’vovich Kitaev
Rimma Yuryevna Skornyakova


The semantic markups of the World Wide Web have accumulated a large amount of data and their number continues to grow. However, the potential of these data is, in our opinion, not fully utilized. The semantic markups contents are widely used by search systems, partly by social networks, but the usual approach to using that data by application developers is based on converting data to RDF standard and executing SPARQL queries, which requires good knowledge of this language and programming skills. In this paper, we propose to leverage the semantic markups available on the Web to automatically incorporate their contents to the content of other web pages. We also present a software tool for implementing such incorporation that does not require a web page developer to have knowledge of any programming languages ​​other than HTML and CSS. The developed tool does not require installation, the work is performed by JavaScript plugins. Currently, the tool supports semantic data contained in the popular types of semantic markups “microdata” and JSON-LD, in the tags of HTML documents and the properties of Word and PDF documents.

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Author Biographies

Evgeny L’vovich Kitaev

Research Engineer at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, specialist in web technologies and information systems.

Rimma Yuryevna Skornyakova

Researcher at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, specialist in the development of information systems.


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