Investigation of Data Dependencies by Dynamic Analysis of Sapfor

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Nikita Andreevich Kataev
Alexander Andreevich Smirnov
Andrey Dmitrievich Zhukov


The use of pointers and indirect memory accesses in the program, as well as the complex control flow are some of the main weaknesses of the static analysis of programs. The program properties investigated by this analysis are too conservative to accurately describe program behavior and hence they prevent parallel execution of the program. The application of dynamic analysis allows us to expand the capabilities of semi-automatic parallelization. In the SAPFOR system (System FOR Automated Parallelization), a dynamic analysis tool has been implemented, based on on the instrumentation of the LLVM representation of an analyzed program, which allows the system to explore programs in both C and Fortran programming languages. The capabilities of the static analysis implemented in SAPFOR are used to reduce the overhead program execution, while maintaining the completeness of the analysis. The use of static analysis allows to reduce the number of analyzed memory accesses and to ignore scalar variables, which can be explored in a static way. The developed tool was tested on performance tests from the NAS Parallel Benchmarks package for C and Fortran languages. The implementation of dynamic analysis, in addition to traditional types of data dependencies (flow, anit, output), allows us to determine privitizable variables and a possibility of pipeline execution of loops. Together with the capabilities of DVM and OpenMP these greatly facilitates program parallelization and simplify insertion of the appropriate compiler directives.

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Author Biographies

Nikita Andreevich Kataev

Researcher of KIAM RAS, a specialist in system programming. Research interests include compiler technologies, semi-automatic program parallelization.

Alexander Andreevich Smirnov

Researcher of KIAM RAS, a specialist in system programming. Research interests include compiler technologies, semi-automatic program parallelization.

Andrey Dmitrievich Zhukov

Student of CMC faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University


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