The principles of justice as fairness in the publishing activities in the field of education

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The results about the plagiarism problem are presented. The reasons for its distribution in publishing and educational activities and ways of eradication are considered. Such root causes of this phenomenon as: loss of trust tradition in publishing activity with updating authors; insensitivity to publishing ethics of the modern authors grown up in the period of loyalty to plagiarism; commercialization of anti-plagiarism campaigns; weak motivation of authors to publishing activity. The concept about fairness as honest by J. Rawls is proposed to substantiate the methodological approach to solving the problem of dishonesty in publishing, including plagiarism. With its help, the idea about forming of relationships system "publishing-authors" on the basis of the justice principles as honesty is substantiated. The approach to the formation of the ethical framework for relations in the chain "publishing – authors – students – IT-managers – employers" on the basis of the justice principles, such as: equality rights of the requirements about their own benefits, mutual honesty; ethical restrictions on actions, that harm those in the worst position, which are students-readers. The procedure of development and coordination of justice principles in publishing activity with the help of the website of publishing house is offered. These principles should be reflected in the ethical code of publishing.

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