Automation of the creation of the schedule at the university: the mathematical model and methods of implementation

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Ришат Ильшатович Хабипов


The construction of the schedule is the distribution of a discrete set of events in a given time interval, subject to the specified restrictions. The aim of the work is to describe a mathematical model of the automation of the scheduling process in an educational institution. Also the approaches to the compilation of the optimal schedule are considered. In the studied tasks a large amount of initial original information is used, which differs in its composition, and contains a large number of requirements that must be taken into account. Therefore, scheduling refers to the class of NP-complete integer programming problems, which implies that as the number of values of given variables increases, the complexity of the solution will grow exponentially. Note that the quality of the established lesson schedule directly affects the efficiency of the educational process of the university.

The article describes the process of forming the schedule of classes: at the first stage, you need to create an initial schedule based on the existing student contingent and teachers, audiences, as well as a number of additional restrictions; at the second stage, the initial schedule is optimized; at the third stage, it is allowed to adjust the received schedule by university staff.

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Author Biography

Ришат Ильшатович Хабипов

Graduate student of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems of the Kazan Federal University (KFU). Leading Programmer of the Information Systems Development Department of KFU.


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