Influence of sociological polls on formation information culture of users of Educational and Scientific Information Centre of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology

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Юлия Алексеевна Гайнуллина
Галина Александровна Калантаева


Practice of holding the sociological surveys conducted for the purpose of detection of opinion of users on electronic information resources and the related information services provided by Educational and scientific information center of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology is described. Results of these polls are given. Experience on formation of information culture of users of Educational and scientific information center of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology is presented.

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Author Biographies

Юлия Алексеевна Гайнуллина

The manager of department of formation of electronic information resources of Educational and scientific information center of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology, Kazan.

Галина Александровна Калантаева

The director of Educational and scientific information center of the Kazan National University of Science and Technology, Kazan.


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