Information-searching activities and information, and searching competencies of students (by results of the questioning)
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The article introduces the analysis of the concepts "information retrieval activity" and "information retrieval competencies", as well as defines the place of information retrieval activity in the educational activity of students of universities.
We conducted a questionnaire design of the first and second year students for studying their knowledge of the diversity of information retrieval systems and the ability to adequately choose information retrieval systems for thematic, targeted and factual information retrieval. The students were offered a list of 14 answers, including both traditional and electronic information systems.
The results of analysis show, that the students are familiar with a limited range of information retrieval systems, and most often use the Internet search engine for searching information. Most students ignore traditional bibliographic systems, as well as information systems, which require special knowledge and skills of using search strategies for use.
Obviously, it is necessary to carry out purposeful activity on formation of information retrieval competencies of pupils and students based on the special training courses.
Article Details
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