Tool for creating electronic educational materials

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Ринат Абрекович Гильмуллин
Альфира Хамзовна Хусаинова


A technology for creation of electronic educational materials is described. It allows to use the result electronic textbook as a part of smart-education environment. Developed algorithms make it possible to work with all kind of devices from PC to tablets without any limitations in functionality.

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Author Biographies

Айдар Фаилович Хусаинов

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences. Senior researcher, Institute of Applied Semiotics of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Current scientific interests: speech recognition, speech synthesis

Ринат Абрекович Гильмуллин

Ph.D. of Physics and Mathematics. Deputy Director of the Institute of Applied Semiotics of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Currentscientific interests: computerlinguistics.

Альфира Хамзовна Хусаинова

Senior lecturer at Kazan Federal University. Current scientific interests: e-learning.


1. Smart учебное пособие по математике для высшей школы. URL:
2. Smart-учебники в smart-образовании. Новая парадигма контента. URL:
3. Make a flipbook with HTML5. URL:
4. Adobe. Build amazing mobile apps powered by open web tech. URL: http://
5. Apache. Mobile apps with HTML, CSS & JS. URL:

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